I personally know many of them who still have a deep rooted, well hidden hatred, for white Americans, for perceived racial grievances, both past and present. These people will interact with whites on a daily basis, but in private in the presence of other AA's express their true bitterness regarding this country, and the need for change, no matter how radical that change may be
Based on things I have heard and read of his associations in the 90's with Bill Ayers and others,, when he was 34 and not 8 years old (as Barack relates his age to the bombing apex of Ayers, instead of when his true interaction occurred), I believe Barack Obama is one of those people with a basic belief that America is an evil and racist nation that needs radical change. I not only believe that of Barack, but of his wife Michelle too, who early in his campaign let slip her true feelings about this country.
I too once held that same bitterness, and I won't claim it doesn't some time well up in me. But I finally rejected , and am able to overcome the hatred and bitterness, as I came to understand through my Christian spiritual experience what the true causes of racism and all other hatred and disputes between humans truly stem from.
But I truly doubt Barack and Michelle have rejected their hidden rage and bitterness, under the warped hateful Afro-centric version of Christianity , which they were subjected to for many years under the pastor-ship Rev Jeremiah Wright.
I Try To Be Funny, I Really Do. Actually, this is all very funny if you think about it.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Bobby Seale to Barack Obama
Patty Murray Wipes her Nose and Sends Me the Tissue
Dear Mr. Baker:
Thank you for contacting me regarding your concerns about legislative efforts to curb excessive executive compensation. It is good to hear from you.
Concern about shareholder value, corporate governance, and the escalating pay for corporate executives has led to a strong debate surrounding compensation. News that recipients of federal assistance through the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), like American International Group, provided millionsof dollars in bonuses exacerbated frustrations with corporate compensation practices around the country.
In response to these developments in March,legislative solutions to the problem wereproposed in Congress. The Compensation Fairness Act of 2009, S. 651, was introduced in the Senate to impose an excise tax on bonuses distributed by a company after receiving federal assistance to be paid by both the employer and bonus recipient. The House of Representativesconsidered and passed a measure that would impose an income tax at 90% of the bonus on the recipient. I have concerns about theunintended consequences of this legislation and who may be impacted. You will be happy to know, at this point, neither proposal has a timeline established for further consideration by the Senate.
I will continue to monitor this issue closely, andwork to make certain that all institutions and companies who receive federal assistance use those funds appropriately. But I will also make sure my colleagues understand the real worldramifications of these legislative proposals.
Should any legislation be brought before the full Senate dealing with extravagant bonuses issued by companies receiving federal assistance, please know I will keep your views in mind. Again, I appreciate your thoughts on this issue. Please don't hesitate to contact me again in the future
Catholics on the March

So, It Comes Down To This
It seems like the echo of complacency is settling in sometimes, but with no outlet or avenue, any mouthpiece and without a leader, any hope seems disconnected and trashed. I write in my blog about some of the feelings I am personally going through and hope that it will be enough between me and my maker. I will not have to answer to anyone about how much effort is enough except to Him and to Him should always be enough. After all, I do not wish to sound too zealous, but He controls it all anyway, so what we do with it is what He really wants to see.
I also belong to 4-5 part time Ning groups, twitter like crazy and try to be a nuissance. I'm reading nonstop but also I am thinking critically. That alone takes an immense amount of work and pretty much fills my day. I love my country, and most of all my country at peace but I will trade my comfort for my kids anyday and the prospects of their lives haunts me to my core. For thousands of years and hundreds of generations from the primordial ooze, parents have wanted no less for their own.
I divide my time in every way that I can think of and quite frankly, the ride gets to be too much sometimes. I definitely don't need to get into the litany of what I see as a perfectly coordinated attack not only on liberty and property, but on basic competence and human dignity as well as livelyhood and free enterprise. Each day, it is the same thing, a new assault from a new direction and and it surely is designed to run any opposition squarely off the rails in rage and tempestuous but futile effort. Too little is not enough and too much will forever be too little. God help us.
If, we are talking about action, there have been any number of planned and civilized outrage actions and at any various levels of organization and not one iota of success. But such a tour de force on that side could give the Nazi's a run for their money in the speed in which they have gotten things organized at at our throats.
I am not a history buff, but even Hitler had the Kaiser to check his progress for a time. Even Moussilini had to suppress a few wild hairs before he got really started. This has hit and hit and hit, over and over again along every faultline there was in America. It is amazing there is any opposition to speak of at this point. I am talking about - both the at once inept yet pervasive nature of how so much of it dovetails into the rest of it. What I am suggesting is that we pay attention to what we already know in our hearts and seem to be dumbfoundedly waiting for confirmation of it to happen.
Let's assume the worst. At what point in your to do list do you decide to buy a gun? Many of us have already decided that that is a perfectly reasonable thing to do and may have already done so or are in the process of becoming a firearm owner. There are all of those issues that ownership brings up. Safety, best practices and what to do if the stuff really hits the fan, breaks into your house and you actually have to use that new stuff. There's ammo and a safe to keep it and practice, practice, practice in order to know how not to shoot yourself if you use it, because, self defense and defense of someone else is the one thing that they are good for. I thought criminals had guns.
Then there is the other part of the 'to keep and bear arms' stuff that IS in the constitution that no one really wants to talk about because it is so extreme, so fantastical that it doesn't even remotely resemble reality in any sane sense, but now, somehow, in a far out way that the founders were in their foresight able to detect from 1775, that we don't seem to be able to recognize on the evening news that lie, lie, lie about not only the country, but also ourselves and what we believe, to be mocked and ridiculed and I just get super pissed and have a tough time with it. It is Saul Alinsky's 12th rule of freeze the target and isolate, ridicule and cut off the aid. Pretty much what they are doing over and over every day to some other make believe person that so much as looks at the president Obama as the insane lunatic he is. So we were supposed to use the second amendment for that?
I KNOW how crazy this sounds but I also know that this man decided that He needed a 72% share of General Motors today and that is not even by five o'clock eastern time. Believe me, by the time he gets around to telling you how you are going to live, you will be begging, no pleading for the reeducation camp. I pray that that is not the case, but he is acting with line with the rest of our government; as if that is the only plan that they are even remotely capable of handling.
I grew up on a farm. I have seen how animals react and they do so effortlessly and they do so all day long. They never tire and they never weary, they don't even sweat. They are acting on instinct. Fight. flee, mewl, eat, get sick / well, birth and death is in their nature. It is we, who give them names and make them move, choose the time of their coming and going, how they live and how they die. They do not have to think of tomorrow, there is only this somehow terrible now we are living in and only instinct to guide them. They do so because that is their nature.
This is how this administration is running, on instinct as one great beast. Because I have seen what animals are capable of up close and to what purpose they act and react to. I am not now offering how to become alarmed. I think we are all already alarmed because we realize the implications that is happening. But do we realize what we are up against? What does it want? What is it going after? What are the forces at work within it and when will they tire? While we are navel gazing, how much longer do we have to react and to save what we are feeling from happening? What would that look like if we did 'pick up our sword' and 'gird our loins' metaphorically speaking?
So many voices talk about organized resistance and a few with an outright bewilderment as to why there hasn't been actual revolt. But I wonder if any of those same voices have an answer as to exactly when should this happen? Does anyone alive have any idea what it would take to take on America in her Imperial majesty? It's not the bloody Redcoats we are talking about. Mel Gibson in the Patriot was pretty much right to refuse to having to fight one more war. It's an insane mess. We would be fighting for our rights with pitchforks and peashooters while they would be amassed with the whole myrmidon army. Will it come to that? Only chance would know once the bottle is spun. Last time it cost America 600,000 lives who's ghosts are screaming from their graves for for the sin of slavery on mens souls. There shouldn't have to be any more lives spent achieving a more perfect union.
Monday, May 18, 2009
I Have Failed To Be What I Was Meant To Be
Friday, May 1, 2009
Culture War Update; The Schock Troops Of Marriage Reform

I guess you have pretty much been saturated by now about the new administrations Shock and Awe on deliberately and steadfastly prosecuting a war on terror against conservatives in America, which stands to reason since to their unusual intelligence makes everything Bushes fault and the fault of all of their followers, the neo-cons and anyone around them that does not believe that the Truthers Were Right. But here's a little news for most of them. They are wrong, but their pig headed love for all things progressive means that they will drive us all down with them because a fifth column media says its all right and any cracks in reason can be pasted over with another hit peice on fake news or, perhaps what Paris Hilton's dog had for lunch.
Please read the whole article and get informed. This storm is coming.
Saul Alinsky In The Crosshairs, Pt. Duex

Previously, We have covered this fight and the origins of it in one of our posts, they say that brevity is the soul of wit, therefor, I mock myself by this blog.
- “Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules. You can kill them with this. They can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.”
- “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also, it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”
- “The threat is generally more terrifying than the thing itself.”
- “In a fight almost anything goes. It almost reaches the point where you stop to apologize if a chance blow lands above the belt.”
- True law is right reason in agreement with nature; it is of universal application, unchanging and everlasting; it summons to duty by its commands, and averts from wrongdoing by its prohibitions... It is a sin to try to alter any part of this law, nor is it allowable to repeal any part of it, and it is impossible to abolish it entirely. We cannot be freed from its obligations by senate or people, and we need not look outside ourselves for an expounder or interpreter of it. And there will not be different laws at Rome and at Athens, or different laws now and in the future, but one eternal and unchangeable law will be valid for all nations and for all times, and there will be one master and ruler, that is God, over us all, for he is the author of this law, its promulgator, and its enforcing judge. Whoever is disobedient is fleeing from himself and denying his human nature, and by reason of this very fact he will suffer the worst punishment. (Quoted in Ebenstein, Great Political Thinkers, p.133.)