Authority can only come from God, right? I mean, if you feel like you believe in one, at least on some level say, if you were to have to face St Peter's Gates before all of eternity, in that one case how you would spin things in your defense. Right?
Anyway, I came across the Leftist Ten Commandments written by the man himself, Rush Limbaugh which can go all the way out to six hundred and sixty-six million if the mood strikes, because the Progressive Manifesto says you are the same thing as God, if you wanted to be and felt you were in the mood on a good day.
This goes double for laissez faire Catholic.
Thou shalt have no other God except thyself; after all, it’s thy self-esteem that counts. If thee don’t love thee, who will?Thou shalt not make any graven images out of any substances which cannot be recycled.Thou shalt not take the name of liberals in criticism, including feminists, racial minorities, or any person who thinks he is a victim of America.Remember the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade & Anita Hill’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, and keep them holy.Honor thy mother. If she’s dysfunctional, it is thy father’s fault.Thou shalt not kill. With these exceptions: life forms under the second trimester and those opting for medically assisted suicides.Thou shalt not commit adultery. Unless thou aspire to high political office, use a condom, or thou cannot help it.Thou shalt not steal. Unless thou art disadavanted or upset with a jury verdict.Thou shalt not bear false witness. Unless thou art discussing the history of the 1980s, art campaigning for office, or can afford good legal counsel in the event you are discovered—and can ask the American people to pay thy legal bills.Thou shalt not covet. Unless thou art the victim of gender related oppression, institutional racism, or art still angry with Reagan’s tax cuts. Always hide the real truth about thyself. Never admit who or what thou really art when campaigning for political office. Always blame someone else for what thou doest—even so far as to blame the entire society. Thou shalt oppose all punishment.
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